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Silent darkness seeker... Eclipse hunter Zoroark

In the dim glow of a flickering neon sign, Zoroark adjusted her scope, her breath steady and measured. Below her, the city hummed with life unaware of the silent predator perched above. The target, a corrupt politician with ties to a cult that honored the coming of the Abyss, was just entering his armored car Zoroark's hand hovered over one of her katanas, her mind as sharp as the blade. She wasn't always like this. A few years back, she was just another face in the crowd living in a small, peaceful settlement on the outskirts of the city. But when the Abyss came, a dark, swirling void that consumed everything it touched. It swallowed her home, her family, her life. Zoroark was the only one left standing...Survival in this harsh universe demanded more than just strength. Sometimes it needed ruthlessness. The Vanguard had been her only option. They trained her, honed her skills, turned her into a weapon. Now, she was their most efficient assassin, taking out targets with cold precision. Deep down, Zoroark yearned for freedom, for a life beyond the blood and shadows... "Target acquired", she whispered into her comm. Her handler's voice crackled in her ear, giving her the all-clear. She took a deep breath. Just as she was about to jump and kill, she saw a child in the backseat of the car, a boy no older than her brother had been. A flicker of hesitation. "What's the delay, Zoroark?" her handler asked. She exhaled slowly, forcing the memory of her brother's laugh out of her mind. "Just adjusting position", she lied. The boy's innocent face, happy to see their father, was a stark reminder of everything she'd lost, everything she was trying to protect. Her leg twitched, and she sheathed her blade, letting the car disappear into the night. "Zoroark?" Her handler's voice was worried, impatient. "Target escaped." She replied coolly, already packing her gear. "I'll find another opportunity soon." She cut the connection before the barrage of questions could start. She didn't care. Tonight, she gad made a choice, a small act of defiance against the life that had been forced upon her. It was a reminder that her heart was still beating and her blood isn't as cold. The Abyss hasn't swallowed her completely. As she melted back into the shadows, Zoroark thought of the future she longed for. Free from the Vanguard, free from the endless cycle of death. She didn't know how to achieve it, but she knew she had to try. For now, she would continue to be their weapon, their perfect assassin But she would never stop looking for a way out and reclaim her life from the darkness. In the heart of the city, where neon lights cast long shadows, Zoroark walked the fine line between survival and freedom, her heart hidden beneath a ruthless and dangerous exterior... Couldn't get her out of my head, so I worked on this gal off-work hours! My back hurts a little but I liked this design <3 Hope you like it too! *SB: $50 USD* *MI: $5 USD* *AB: $800 USD* PERKS! -$50 USD: HQ sheet without watermarks. Files with transparency. -$250 USD: Uncensored lewd pose, fully rendered (You can have a non-futa version if you want!) -$500: Fully rendered commission of this character! (NSFW/SFW) Any changes you want on this design and commercial rights. -Starting from the $500 tier, you'll get extra art every $150! Satisfied clients! https://loot.commishes.com/user/profile/Watushii/ Finished work! https://portfolio.commishes.com/user/Watushii/ Notes: -Her story can be completely changed if the owner wants! -Paypal only. -The auction may end earlier! -Upfront payment -Payment plans available for bids over $450! (First payment should be done within 24 hours) -If you have a pending payment plan with other of my works, you can't create more with this adoptable! -No holds. -Please do not resell. -If the winner doesn't respond within 24 hours since the auction ended, the character goes to the second highest bid. -Payment must be completed within 24 hours of the auction's end. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of your purchase and the adoptable will go to the second highest bid or be made available again.

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