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ych YCH Enemies

Helloo Been a little inactive here for a while, so here's a base for those characters that have complicated relationships ) (͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ⭐Rough Sketch- 8$ ⭐Lineart - 17$ ⭐Flat color- 30$ ⭐Rendered- 54$ ⭐Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/chloedoggy245 ⭐Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/val.escarra/ For more info, you can contact me via email ⭐[email protected] Or Discord ⭐Pastichito #7164 ⭐Only Paypal and Binance I'll start working on your piece once the payment is fully done Deliver time: 1-2 weeks. ⭐I can do: - any gender - any body type -Any species - any expressions (if so, please prepare a reference for all) - furry or human - fanarts I'm kinda growing slowly when it comes to backgrounds, so I'm still offering like flat color backgrounds, keep that in mind. -3 changes after the lineart is free, every additional is 3$ -after the coloring, changes can be made only in coloring/details -this auction may be rerunned Thank you!!

Safe human

Samples These are examples of finished art

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