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Ah, the thrill of battle! Galactic Marauder Captain Garchomp

Captain Garchomp stood on the bridge of her colossal starship, the Starfall Sovereign, gazing out at the endless expanse of stars. Her confident stance and piecing gaze were well-known throughout the galaxies. Many years ago, under her command, the Starfall Sovereign became a symbol of power and fear, its mere presence enough to make entire systems surrender. Her ambition was clear; to bring every corner of the universe under her control. However, a dark force threatened her grand plans... The Abyss, a consuming void, was spreading across the cosmos swallowing everything in its path. Captain Garchomp understood that if the Abyss succeeded, there would be nothing left for her...So all her plans of conquest changed a little. "Captain, we've detected Abyss forces on the edge of the Alpha cuadrant!", reported First Mate Hax. Garchomp smirked. "Prepare the ship for battle. We will confront it head-on!" As her words slipped, she busted into laugh. A sound that echoed through the corridors of her ship like a clarion call. When she laughed, it was full-bodied, hearty sound that left no doubt about her zest for life and unyielding spirit. "Ah, the thrill of battle!" She exclaimed "There's nothing quite like it, no, Hax?" Her fleet surged forward, its engines roaring as it neared the void that the Abyss made. Garchomp stood tall and her confidence unshaken. As the massive ship approached the consuming darkness and it's creatures, she addressed her crew. "We fight not just for survival, but for control. We'll bend this stuff to our will or destroy it!" The battle was fierce. Cannons blazed, firing bursts of energy into a swirling darkness. The Abyss fought back, tendrils of nothingness reaching out. Garchomp's commands were sharp and decisive, her strategy flawless. Under her leadership, they fought with unparalleled determination. News of her deeds against the Abyss spread quickly. Across the galaxies, people watched in awe as Captain Garchomp, the feared Galactic Marauder, stood against the Abyss. Many ignored her past and began to see her as a hero, one more of the saviors fighting for the greater good. She bought some more precious time for the entire galaxy. Garchomp stood on a makeshift stage of a liberated planet, addressing the crown that gathered to celebrate her victory. Garchomp chuckled with a glint of amusement in her eyes. "A hero? If the Abyss consumes everything, there will be nothing for me to control. Remember that." The crowd laughed, thinking it was all part of her persona, a joke meant to lighten the mood. But Captain Garchomp's motives were clear and serious. She laughed with them and as she left the stage, she turned to Hax. "We'll let them think what they will. Their adoration is a useful tool...But we still have work to do. The Abyss is not defeated, only delayed." And so, the Starfall Sovereign soared into the stars once more... This time I wanted to give a little more of the glimpse of the character! Space pirate Captain Garchomp is here! An idea I had laying around for some time. Hope you like her! ;D *SB: $50 USD* *MI: $5 USD* *AB: -* PERKS! -$50 USD: HQ sheet without watermarks. Files with transparency. -$250 USD: Uncensored lewd pose, fully rendered. -$500: Fully rendered commission of this character! (NSFW/SFW) Any changes you want on this design and commercial rights. -Starting from the $500 tier, you'll get extra art every $150! Satisfied clients! https://loot.commishes.com/user/profile/Watushii/ Finished work! https://portfolio.commishes.com/user/Watushii/ Notes: -Her story can be completely changed if the owner wants! -Paypal only. -The auction may end earlier! -Upfront payment -Payment plans available for bids over $350! (First payment should be done within 24 hours) -No holds. -Please do not resell. -If the winner doesn't respond within 24 hours since the auction ended, the character goes to the second highest bid. -Payment must be completed within 24 hours of the auction's end. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of your purchase and the adoptable will go to the second highest bid or be made available again.

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