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https://www.furaffinity.net/view/56761190/ Adopt: Conehead Mantis Monarch [OPEN]

SB: 80$ MI: 10$ >> 275$ [Ref Sheet] AB: 500$ [MILF Version] You will get: >Shade and Flat version of the adopt >Transparent Background version ———————————————————- >Ref Sheet (275$) >> MILF Version (500$) Rules: 1. Payment should be sent within 12 hours or the bid will be cancelled and be passed down to the next bidder 2. Respect and treat each other with kindness <3 3. Don't discourage other bidders 4. Please have the funds before hand 5. Once adopted feel free to change anything on the adopt 6. Payoneer only Auction will end in 1 days after the first bid or if AB

Explicit adopt

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