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Animated Adopt character design of Kobold! Animated Kobold Scrybe of the Grate Desert

You are walking through the scorching, deadly sun when a little grey silhouette appears before you. It's the Scrybe of the Great Desert Kobold - the one who writes down and collects all the knowledge from the deceased of the Great Desert! Let them become a part of your team and perhaps obtain the ancient secrets of the gods! SB: $45 Included: 1 GIF, 1 PNG Not Included: MP4, PSD, Commercial rights, discount Over: $80 Included: 1 PNG, 1 GIF, 1 PSD Not included: MP4, Commercial rights, discount Over: $145 Included: 1 GIF, 1 MP4, 1 PNG, 1 PSD, 20% discount for commissions from Dogchie*, Commercial rights, thank you letter Not included: - MI: $1 AB: $250 Payment: PayPal Payment must be made within 24 hours after the auction ends. No refunds. If you're unable to pay within 24 hours, the next highest bidder will receive this lot. * - Discounts do not combine.

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