≽^•⩊•^≼ clown adopt
︰ new adopt!! COLLAB !! ִ ﹕- give me credits for the design (lineart by Nina Naxy, Abysslvsu colored ) ﹕-can be sent by toyhouse or gmail : - no returns ִ ﹕- payment is only paypal ﹕the auction ends 1 days after the last offer. SB : 16$ AB ; ??? 30 usd ;; + 2 icons 50 usd ;; + 2 fullbody The adopter will be sent by email or th ;; fc audiction !! https://www.facebook.com/nina.naxy/posts/pfbid0KAk91k4oZCgs24V74GDCVe7yiJ7x3BQ9bwyu9uUPQemdWCNxfinHTPvyPdvLo4Jdl?comment_id=1154811772150938&reply_comment_id=1123712942327112¬if_id=1707600845573043¬if_t=comment_mention&ref=notif
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