Paypal Only Teddysteinz Adopt 05 (CS) Adopt
SB: $15 AB: $30 AB1 comes with bust-up drawing of adopt, drawn after purchase TH: https://toyhou.se/14911946.-15-teddysteinz-adopt-5-cs- ----------- Read about TZ (CS) here: https://www.deviantart.com/moraiichibs/art/Teddysteinz-CS-Trait-Sheet-899829789 TZ 05 TRAITZ: Teddy Animal: 03-Bunny, 04-Puppy, 05-Bear Battery: Purse Circle bolts : Common Black stitches: Common Base sitch: Common Button colour & thread colour: Common 'X'shaped thread in button eye: Common ----------- A D O P T R U L E S - USD (Paypal) is accepted - Please pay within 48hrs - Do not bid/claim if you do not have the funds or actual intentions of paying - Fail to make payment after claiming/bidding on the adopt will result in being blacklisted - Payment plan available if price > $100 (30% deposit) Once adopt has been purchased you can; - Claim character as yours - Change features/clothing/colours of the adopt - Credit me (@Moraii) for the design - You can resell, gift, or trade the adopt -You cannot sell the adopt for higher than original price, unless extra commissioned art is added - Notify me if the owner of the adopt has changed - Use the adopt for personal use For commercial use; - Not available for Teddysteinz (CS) atm Socials: deviantart.com/moraii deviantart.com/moraiichibs instagram.com/moraii_ toyhou.se/Moraii