Auction ended
This auction is over!

But if you tell us your email we will notify you when this user starts a new one

ych YCH - chibi couple

Rules - The winner will have 3 days to answer and 2 days to send payment after the first contact or the auction will be canceled and replacing - any gender - only small adjustments will be made to adapt to the character, very radical changes will not be made (ex... changing the pose) -I don't offer NSFW option - 100% prepayment Bid tiers (SB)- $10 - finished art Payment methods - payment via paypal (invoice) - USD (for brazilians - payment must be made in BRL only.- PIX ) - no refund after i start drawing - if you win, you can contact me at discord (ColorsCookie3#5298) twitter (@ColorCookie3) insta (@color_cookie3) or email

Safe human

Samples These are examples of finished art

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