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Winter Animated YCH

Under $20 for Still Image $20 for Blinking Only $25 for Blinking + Ear Wiggle $30 for Blinking + Ear Wiggle + Snow Animation $35+ All of the above or custom movements Can Customize: Background, coffee cup/mug, blanket or scarf. Can do: Anthro, human, pony, Pokemon Cannot do: Mech, Gore Turnaround is 3 to 12 days. Discord is a must for communication, WIP, questions, etc. Artwork is by me KawaiiWifi (prev. DearAmbelina) Character belongs to me KawaiiWifi. Socials: KoFi: https://ko-fi.com/kawaiiwifi ToyHouse: KawaiiWifi Instagram: KawaiiWifi DeviantArt: Kawaii-Wifi

Safe furry

Samples These are examples of finished art

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