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Vtuber Model Sheet Flame Crow Vtuber Model Sheet

You are getting the RAW model design. It has already been spliced and everything. IT. IS. NOT. RIGGED. It also functions perfectly fine as a PNGtuber For an extra fee, I can do basic (emphasis on BASIC) rigging. Please note that I don't always know what I'm doing with Live2D. Anyone who uses my models MUST credit me as their Vtuber Mama (It means, in the Vtuber community, the person who made your model.) Once you have bought the model, you are free to rename it, change it, whatever EXCEPT for resell it. These models to not come with their own lore. Feel free to make your own. Once you win, you will be messaged by me about how you can get the file.

Safe adopt

Samples These are examples of finished art

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