Slot #2 Commission Slot
~SKETCH~ - HS: 15$ - - HB: 20$ - - FB: 30$ - ~COLORED SKETCH~ - HS: 25$ - - HB: 40$ - - FB: 55$ - ~FULL COLOR~ - HS: 50$ - - HB: 75$ - - FB: 90$ - +100% per extra character + 5-15$ extra details character + 20-40$ for hard background !!Payment to Paypal Prepayment of 100% Deadline: depends on the difficulty of the work, but usually no more than 14-20 days I draw: - Human-like creatures (demons, neko, vampires, etc.), any gender - Furry - OCs and FCs - Fanarts - OTP with your or fandom characters If you not won, but want commissions you can write to me! More examples of arts: Inst - Twitter - VK -