Promo shoot for the team Race Queen
Before the competition starts team needs to promote their new machine and livery. What better way than to have a lady do it? Race queen is a valuable asset in the team, bringing crowds and their attention. Here are the rules: Starting bid: $50 Minimum bid: $3 Auto buy: $250 -female only -any pony race, wings and/or horn will be added -mane & tail will be adjusted to your character and will look much better -expression can be slightly adjusted -since the cm is not visible in that pose it can be included on the outfit and the car where stylized question marks are placed -paypal only -payment within 24hrs after the end of the auction -nsfw starts from $85 What autobuy enables? -additional outfit -additional markings/colours on car and outfits -change of colours and patterns if desired -I can even make the headlights iluminated Contact via email or CRS. To see finished works check my portfolio or Good luck and have fun!