For fun for a kinky community Lewd card game card
After waking up and realizing if I'm going to work on a silly game I'm going to make free on Tabletop- I should actually pay for food. And what better way to pay for time to work on this than offer slots. Auction Reach Goals: Base color- $5 Illustration-$60 Personal Card frame w/ Illustration-$120 More cards-$200 How the game works: -Players pick 4 character cards to make a House. -Any character can be put on the house. -All other characters not in a house are roaming the area revered to a street. -The goal is for the cards on the house to satisfy as many cards roaming the street. Using either their effects, items, or other cards to reduce their Vigor to 0. -Optional winning goal is for one house to dominate the other. Where -SP goes changes from Satisfaction Points to Struggle Points. Where if the House card doesn't have enough Vigor to pay their Struggle points, they're considered Satisfied and are out of the game. Current issues: 1. How to make appropriate icons for kinks to have them grouped up. 2. Time, since rent and food still demands I work for a living.