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Started at $50.00
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YCH Magician girl

Bid goals: SB($50) - neat sketch flat colour + simple shading https://derpibooru.org/images/3140188 >$75 - lineart with shadows https://portfolio.commishes.com/upload/show/10QBH/ https://portfolio.commishes.com/upload/show/106PN/ https://portfolio.commishes.com/upload/show/VGOB/ >$150 + nude edit •Any color of clothing and background •Furry/pony •Female •Any species •Payment must be made in 48 hours after the auction ending •PayPal only (I use Ukrainian PayPal🇺🇦, which at the moment doesn't allow sending an invoice. You will only be able to send me a payment for "friends and family!") All my links and price list: https://enderbee.carrd.co/ Reviews: https://loot.commishes.com/user/profile/EnderBee/

Explicit Sponsor brony

Samples These are examples of finished art

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