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Where's your library card? Librarian Owl Adopt

Hello there, here's Cross! This is the 3rd adoptable I've done, librarian owl ready to turn you into a bookworm! [ SB: $15 ] [ MB: $5 ] [ AB: $200 ] ⭐ $15 (SB): Rights to the character and design+ full size PNG files without watermarks + personal use of the artwork. ⭐ $70: Everything above + NSFW ⭐ $100: Everything above + Swimwear alternative version. (optional) ⭐ $140: Everything above + Alternate base colors to your liking. (optional) + Commercial use of this artwork. ⭐ $200: Everything above + Flat colored half body (SFW or NSFW). 🛑 IMPORTANT 🛑 • Full version will be delivered after full payment is sent. Extra rewards are commissions and have a turnaround time of 2~4 weeks. • Payment via Wise or PayPal (USD) within 24 hours after the end of the auction. • Payment Plan is acceptable if the bid is over $100. You must complete the full payment within two weeks! One month for bits over $200. • You cannot resell a character above the original price without additional art. My socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/crossdoesnsfw/ Discord: Cross#0587 Carrd: https://croxo.carrd.co Have a good auction! Feel free to contact me here through here, on Twitter or Discord!

Explicit Promoted adopt

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