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Furry Adopt Kobold Assassin Adopt

Sb: 40$ Mb: 5$ Payment: Only bid if you have the money at hand and will be ready to pay once the bid is over. Only PayPal (USD) You cannot ask for a refund exchange. When reselling or whatever, mention me as the author of the design. Winner gets: An original pic in high quality without watermark (PNG 4380x3920 px) (after payment). The full rights to this character design. You can do with it and use it for whatever you want. ✨FA: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/erismorgan ✨DA: https://www.deviantart.com/eridavigon03 ✨Insta: https://www.instagram.com/_eris_morgan_/ ✨Twitter: https://twitter.com/_eris_morgan_ My email: [email protected]

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