PayPal only! Little bard kitten!
Who’s gonna take this little boy to home? SB: $20USD MI: $5USD AB: $75USD RULES — Commercial use is only included with the AB. — Paypal offers only — Please, just serious offers. Don't delete or edit your offers. — Please only bid if you have the money/can have it before the auction ends. — You can modify the character's design. — Sold adopts are not returnable. — The payment must be made within 24hours. — You are allowed to resell/exchange. — Please credit me for art and design. Auction ends 24 hours after the first bid or in case of AB. Winner gets: An original pic in high quality without watermark (PNG) (after payment). Contact: irlettapaletta@gmail.com Follow for more: https://instagram.com/irletta_paletta?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=