Auction on DA with collection of twin characters: https://www.deviantart.com/lilbeanlu/art/2-2-OPEN-ADOPT-AUCTION-15-16-955431725 SB - 25$ MI - 1$ AB - 70$ - original img (png file transparent background) + commercial use right RULES: - Auction will ends 24 hours after SB if the auction timer has expired without a winner; - The winner will get the high quality image, 300 DPI unwatermarked with transparent background (.png file) after payment; - Do not edit/hide your bid comments; - For AB you can use designs for commercial purposes; - I will keep the right to post it into my portfolio and tagging you as an adopt owner (if you want so); - Don't use for AI learning; - NO REFUNDS AND PLEASE TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR BIDS PAYMENT: - PayPal or buymeacoffee; - Everything is in USD $; ⚠️Purchase must be done within 48 hours after auction ends, or it will go to the person with the second highest bid.