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Started at $22.00
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SB: 22 USD MI: 2 USD ✧ Payment: Paypal only! ✧ 100% prepayment ✧ No refunds! ✧ Payment must be made 24 hours after the auction ends. the price may vary depending on the details of the character ❤ Visual or very accurate text reference. ❤ Any gender ❤ humans,humanoids ❤ any hairstyle MAKE SURE YOU HAVE FULL MONEY IF YOU ARE GOING TO BID THE PAY OF THE COMMISSION IS MADE FIRST BEFORE STARTING TO AVOID INCONVENIENCES ▸I suffer from carpal tunnel so I would appreciate your understanding and patience since sometimes it is very difficult for me to move forward Tips and invite me a coffee : ko-fi.com/jellybirbb CHECK OUT MY ARTWORK ON INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.c...ellybirbb/ My contacts: Email: jellybirb1@gmail.com Discord: jellybirbb#5302

Safe human

Samples These are examples of finished art

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2 years ago

Able to change the expression?

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