Phone YCH
$30 - line + color $50 - line + color + shading + ditail background + $20 - NSFW all gender, human, neko, NSFW • You can't: ask for a refund or exchange. • You can choose any of your characters (human or other) • You can choose any hairstyle and appearance by giving me an art, photo, or description. • I can draw a different emotion and change my face. • I can add ears, horns, and wings. Only Boosty. Prepayment of 100%.
Questions and comments Be civil and on topic
Hello, I still haven't managed to get in contact with the artist. I can't even contact any form of customer support?
Hello, I've lost contact with the Artist several weeks ago. I've tried to contact them to continue the commission but I'm getting no response without a finished product :o I'd love to get the finished piece!