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E-mail iks8ai@gmail.com Pleasure you deserve YCH by Iksai

FANART & OC, ANY BACKGROUND, PAYMENT WITHIN 1 WEEK (or to a specific date!) Male bodytype, any non-human parts and any genitals, humanoids and monster-like humans are OK. Slightly changes of YCH are free. SB$ - clean sketch Example: https://portfolio.commishes.com/upload/show/T4GF/ https://portfolio.commishes.com/upload/show/TVTA/ NEW! 15$ - sketch+ base shading Example: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w5pjxcgt5ip34yr/1109%281%29.png?dl=0 25$ - lineart (+ grayscale shading like on YCH) Example: https://portfolio.commishes.com/upload/show/UG9O/ https://portfolio.commishes.com/upload/show/TPJM/ 40$ - full color (simple background) Example: https://portfolio.commishes.com/upload/show/TVEV/ https://portfolio.commishes.com/upload/show/UHMH/ https://portfolio.commishes.com/upload/show/TPAA/ 80$ - Autobuy <3 My reviews: https://loot.commishes.com/user/profile/Iksai/ Multislot ych *** 饾悘饾悮饾惒饾惁饾悶饾惂饾惌: Donation via Buy me a coffee or Fantalks(Paypal& credit card etc accepted) Prepayment 100% Reply within 48 hours(otherwise your order will be canceled) No refunds 饾悅饾悺饾悮饾惈饾悮饾悳饾惌饾悶饾惈饾惉 饾惁饾惍饾惉饾惌 饾悰饾悶 饾惃饾惎饾悶饾惈 饾煆饾煐 饾惒饾悶饾悮饾惈饾惉 饾惃饾惀饾悵 Deadline - 1 month (updates for each step)

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