Auction ended
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Registered user
Started at $10.00
This auction is over!

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YCH: - filly - Any Species (pegasus, unicorn, changeling, furry, dragons sharks MLP etc... basicly anything that fits in that pose - OC or canon character(s) - It's just a sketch. The finished part will look much better - The ability to change anything within reason Auction Rules: 1. Payment must be made in 48 hours after the auction ending. 2. PAYMENT WITH PAYPAL THROUGH Boosty.to Starting bid - $10 Minimum bid - $2 If the amount comes out at $ 100, you have a detailed background NSFW version from 150$ If you win: 1. You need to have a reference picture (not text) 2. I'll contact you via email 3. Payment immediately 4. Only in USD DA - redwix.deviantart.com TWITTER - twitter.com/Redwix_Daddy

Explicit brony

Samples These are examples of finished art

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2 years ago


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