Semi-realism / Line art YCH. You can choose ANY pose!❤Portrait of your character❤ 👉example of line art without color 👉example of line art flat color 👉example of semi-realism ❤Any weapon, outfit, armor, underwear 🖌Headshot: ✦19$ Line art without color ✦30$ Line art flat color ✦40$ Semi-realism 🖌Half body ✦30$ Line art without color ✦40$ Line art flat color ✦50$ Semi-realism 🖌Full growth ✦40$ Line art without color ✦50$ Line art flat color ✦60$ Semi-realism +30$ Small additions (birds, animals, etc.) (+15$ Line art) +30$ simple background. (You don't pay for a neutral background). (+15$ Line art without color) There may be several characters in the drawing. ❤You can choose ANY pose! And I will be happy to try to fulfill your fantasies! ❤I can provide you with a large collection of YCH so that you can choose a pose. ❤I can also draw several characters in one picture or each one separately. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) ♥The work completion period is 4-9 days.♥ So same I can draw it you your individual on description. I will be happy to answer your questions!♥♥♥ ♥feedback♥ My email [email protected] (For any questions and orders.) Discord Sefame#8277