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Started at $5.00
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Buy this now!Autobuy enabledBid more than $20.00 to own this piece immediately

She is looking for a home Lucky the Holographic Unicorn

Lucky is pretty unique even among unicorns, her great sense of humor, charisma and cutesy sense of style helped her a lot in her career as a streamer and content creator. She has a lot of followers but none of them know if her starry holographic mane is real or just some magical filter... But she's a Real Unicorn, we can assure you that! TOS SB: $5 MI: $1 AB: $20 -The winner gets the PNG file without watermark (8533x6229p) -Paypal only -The winner must contact me within 24h -You can make modifications -You can resell -Please credit me for the design -You own the character after buying, including commercial use -I can use the image for social media and portfolio (with watermark)

Safe adopt

Samples These are examples of finished art

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