Polaroid | Motion Tween Animation YCH
♥Above is a rough sketch to display animation, not a final piece. Facial expression/clothing changes/words being added are allowed. Changes to the animation will be at a $5 upcharge. ♥Animation is done via motion tweening ♥Furry/Human Ok, OC/Fan art Ok ♥Ponies NOT ok ♥All characters drawn MUST be 18+ in their source material, if it's discovered the character is a minor then the commission will not be completed. ♥Character must be from media intended for adults. (Think Adult Swim instead of Cartoon Network) ♥Scenario must include consent, non-consensual acts will not be depicted. Pricing/Tiers: SB - $30 MI - $5 AB - $400 B/W Sketch GIF - $30-35 B/W Line art GIF - $40-45 Line art + Base colored GIF - $50-55 Line art + Base colors + Shading/Highlighted GIF - $60-70 Line art + Base colors + Shading/Highlight MP4 - $80-90 Line art + Base colors + Shading/Highlight + Outfit of your choice MP4 - $200 Line art + Base colors + Shading/Highlight + Complete alt (facial expression, costume, etc.) MP4 - $400 (MP4) -Need reference image, full color if $50+