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Comes with Pokedex descriptions, name ideas, and possible extras! Holiday Fakemon Creatures (Extras in description!)

You can change the names, descriptions, and anything else about the creature once you own them if you would like to! :D Also I made a speedpaint video of making these guys, here's the link if you're interested in learning more about them! https://youtu.be/1UoXopz3Fy4 Creature name ideas: Sandguar (Sandbar [an island made of sand] + Jaguar) and Sbangaled (Spangled + Bangal) (Pokedex descriptions of these two are at the bottom of this description!) ------------------------------------- EXTRAS: * If the auction reaches $50, I will include recolors/shiny versions of these creatures! * If the auction reaches $100 I will make one new evolution/mega evolution for this creature line! This new evolution will come with a shiny recolor as well. ------------------------------------- Pokedex bios- Sandguar (Water): Sandguars are most commonly found on small sand islands, or sandbars, which they are named after, but can also be found on beaches and in shallow waters. When they are first formed, the beaches on their backs and water in their tails are empty, but they collect various fish and shells over time. They seem to particularly enjoy collecting starfish. Sbangaled (Water/Ground): Sbangaleds are more commonly found on larger beaches and islands, and they regularly live together with other Sbangaleds and Sandguars. The amount that a Sbangaled is respected by the others is often decided by the amount of starfish that it has collected on its body. These creatures sometimes trade or gift starfish to their comrades to the point that they could be considered a currency. They often form and live in large sand sculptures that are reminiscent of sand castles. These two are inspired by the red/white/blue stripes and stars on the US flag since it’s the 4th of July :) Payment should be through PayPal <3

Safe adopt

Samples These are examples of finished art

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