bid for both slots You turn my world upside down, hon
'YOU TURN MY WORLD UPSIDE DOWN, HON' YCH AUCTION BID FOR BOTH SLOTS SB 1$ MIN 2$ AB 65$ Image rules: - MANES & TAILS CAN BE CHANGED - WINGS/HORNS CAN BE ADDED - If you don't have pegasus OC, top pony can be hanging on the rope xP - ANY GENDERS - ANY PONY RACES - can add socks/stockings (included in price); other accessories? -> ask me! - you may be refused YCH shall the character have weird design (ask me if you have any doubts) - References only in form of picture (no text) - WIPs included Auction rules: - Only serious bids, please - Payment via PayPal - Payment must be sent up front - Payment within 48h after working out the details with me - if final bid is 30$ or below -> flatcolor only; if above 30$ -> fullshaded with simple/zoom layer background Contact via YCH.com/FA(Viven)/DA(Rudazmora)/telegram(@Rudziel), your choice http://rudazmora.deviantart.com http://furaffinity.net/user/viven