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Pride Juice YCH

My style is more animal like, so please keep that in mind before placing a bid! 💖 This Pride Juice YCH is completely customizable. Comes with a bust of your character on a pride flag of yours. The middle and bottom labels can have any text in any font and have any pride flag. The background of the juice pack as well as the color of the straw can be customized as well. ✨ Auction ✨ 🌟 SB - 15 USD / 14 EUR 🌟 AB - 50 USD / 46 EUR ✨ Payment✨ 💫 I accept Paypal and Stripe. 💫 I will send a Paypal/Stripe invoice for your bid converted in Euro (€); ych.commishes doesn't support to set up an auction with other currencies. 💫 Payment upfront and must be sent 48h after the invoice has been sent. ✨ What you'll receive ✨ 💫 Multiple WIPs of which you can request changes for. 💫 AB gets an extra flat colored headshot sketch as thanks 💞 💫 Transparent background PNG images of your finished Pride Juice YCH sent via email, Dropbox, Google drive or sta.sh. 💫 A watermarked and non-watermarked version. 💫 You can do whatever you want with the finished image. ✨Misc.✨ 💫 Turn around time: 1-2 days or faster, depending on client response time or timezones (I'm in the CEST timezone) 💫 I would need an image of your character, I'm unable to draw from a character description. ---------------------------- ✨My Social Media✨ Trello: https://trello.com/b/okBu5PEb/alkraas-commission-queue Email: alkraascontact@gmail.com Discord: Alkraas#2308 FurAffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/alkraas_ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alkraas_ Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/alkraas

Safe furry

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