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Started at $13.50
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any character - human, pony, furry YCH party

SB $10 sketch BW $40 sketch color $80 full art $ 100 + nude ver AB $150 MI $5 ♦♦♦ A character may be any gender, race and etc. ♦♦♦ I can change the emotion of the characters, clothes, background! payment on Boosty (analogue of patreon) through paypal tutorial here https://youtu.be/drrbpnipabc customer feedback here for DA: https://www.deviantart.com/balalai-ka/journal/HOW-i-used-BOOSTY-for-customers-909702758 for FA: https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/10161490/ 100% prepayment deadline 3-4 weeks!

Explicit Sale furry

Samples These are examples of finished art

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2 years ago

I'm trying to bid $40 but the website isn't letting me ;w;

2 years ago

I'm trying to bid $40 but the website isn't letting me ;w;

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