Voiced by Cassidy Rhodes Melina Goblin Gunslinger
Starting Bid - $80 Minimum increment - $5 AUTOBUY - $500 Time: 7 Days This is a set of characters. Melina, the Goblin Gunslinger Vtuber persona and Cassidy Rhodes, the milf streamer who voices her. The winner will receive a zip file with un-watermarked version PNG file of this character. In addition, a chance at possible alterations (see below) and receive character(s) rights. An amended/change to the character(s) name and color palette may be done with no additional charge. AUTOBUY BONUSES- If the winner uses the autobuy option, they will receive the following; 1. I will provide limited edits to the character at no extra charge. Limits include color changes, slight proportion changes and slight clothing edits. Changes requests can not exceed 4 hours of work time. 2. Flat color picture of the Vtuber doing a Vtuber like thing. (reacting to a video, playing Ring fit, Etc) Rules/Conditions: 1. The winning bidder must contact me through DMs on my twitter ( https://twitter.com/LurkerGg ) or through commishes within 24 hours. If you fail to do so then the win will be voided. 2. Payment must be through a paypal invoice. 3. Once the purchase is complete, the winner may alter/change the character design and details as they see fit.