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Adoptable Auction [OPEN]

* [Auction Information] * Status: OPEN Starting Bid: $15 Min. Bid: $- Auto Buy: $- THIS AUCTION ITS IN SIMULTANEUS WITH DEVIANTART. if you see me "auto biding" its because someone offert in DA, you can confirm here: https://www.deviantart.com/vanellasoup/art/Adoptable-Auction-4-OPEN-888825083?ga_submit_new=10%3A1628988977 Adopt package: Full resolution, transparent version. Auction ends in 24 hours after the last bid RULES ✦ PayPal only ✦ Do not claim design as yours and credit me for design at least once ✦ You can resell, but it can't be higher than the you price you bought for (gifting/trading is okay but please lmk who the new owner is! ) ✦ You can change the design, but no drastic changes

Safe adopt

Samples These are examples of finished art

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Made with ♥︎ by Patch