"Safety measures must be observed" YCH "Biological hazard'
• General information: + You can take any character (android, skeleton, etc). + Only Paypal. 24 hours. • Important: + At any stage of the work, I try to stick to high resolution images. • Bid goals : - 10 - 17$ - Flat colored sketch (Like in a picture) - 18 - 24$ - Colored lineart,shadows and light (sample background) - 25 - 29$ - Colored lineart,+shadows and +light (medium background) - 30 - 999$ - I will make art as good as I can • Languages: + ENG + RU • links: - Twitter: twitter.com/Kepchuk_art - Newgrounds: mistson.newgrounds.com/ - Instagram: www.instagram.com/mr_mistson/ - VK: vk.com/kepchuk_art
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