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Animation is still a sketch, keep in mind that it is missing details. I WILL EXCLUDE BLACK BORDER Valentine's Day Cupid Animation (click imagine for preview)

Animation preview: https://media.giphy.com/media/3ohs4dkwQvPLXffS7u/giphy.gif Ressolution is going to be bigger (i needed to change it for previews) -Female -Ask me, if i am able to make another spicies on tumblr: (http://crystalfilth.tumblr.com/) -Wings are essential, but you can add choose if is going to be pegasus wings, wings made out of magic, cupid (simple white angel) wings -Bacground will be yours to choose, but if bid gets low it will be a simple sky view -Hair will be slightly animated -Vail will be slightly animated -I am open on request to add something, but if it is going to be animated then please remeber that it will also cost more. -PayPal only -I am acctepting payment only in USD -Payment must be made in 72 hours after the auction ending -Reference picture needed Starting bid- 10USD Every bid- 3USD Finished work will be fully lined, colored, and animated Animation will be corrected and fine tuned *Shadeing/lighting will be included if bids will reach 70USD *Animation of boobs and small animation of legs will be added when bid reaches 150USD

Safe brony

Samples These are examples of finished art

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