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Raymond-erine Catherine cover fanart

If you´ve played Catherine or heard about it you probably recognized the cover. And yes, I do have a problem with our version (my sis and mine) Human Raymond, I love him too much. Pricing: *Sketch $5 -(Clean sketch but no lineart) *Lineart $10 -(It can be black lineart or a color of your choice, just send the hue) *Flat Color + Basic Background $20 -(Background: No objects or other characters just simple forms and color) *Full color with Shadow and Lighting and Detailed Background $40 -(Be patient) RULES***** -Payments of 100% only by Paypal -You have 48 hours to make your payment -No refunds or Exchanges (what a world, right?) -Place any of your characters with the same pose -Send me a detailed sheet reference of your character. I work with pictures not descriptions! -I can change the facial expression of the character and the motto of the picture too

Explicit human

Samples These are examples of finished art

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