This auction is over!

But if you tell us your email we will notify you when this user starts a new one


~✧ INFO ✧~ ✧ Payment by Boosty or Hipolink! ✧ Full prepayment ✧ Time for payment is 2 days, after 2 days without payment the auction will be restarted ✧ Deadline 1-4 weeks ✧ Need your full character reference and detailed description of what you want see in your art + references of it if you have it or need it to send me for example ✧ + 15$ for complex background, +20$ for one more OC ✧ only SFW! ~♡ I CAN DRAW ♡~ ✧ Furry, anthro, pony, humans any gender ✧ Head, half, full arts ✧ Guro, blood, horror stuff ~💔 I DON`T DRAW 💔~ ✧ NSFW content or fetish content

Safe furry

Samples These are examples of finished art

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