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enchantress adopt milky-san enchantress

|| Sunlight streamed through the branches of an old oak tree, tangling in Aily's snow-white hair. She was sitting on the bank of a stream, weaving a wreath of wildflowers, her scarlet lips softly humming a melody that only the wind could understand. Golden sparks danced on her skin, and her fox eyes, the color of amber, shone with warmth and ancient wisdom. Suddenly, a small fawn ran out of the thicket, limping and whining plaintively. Aily stood up without flinching, and, rustling her white dress, walked up to him. One of her touches, light as a butterfly's wing, enveloped the fawn in golden light, healing the wound. With a grateful squeak, the baby licked the girl's hand and disappeared into the thicket, taking with him a piece of her magic and leaving behind the smell of wild herbs and magic. || [history (optional)] 馃挼Sb: 5 $ 馃挼Mi: 1 $ 馃挼Ab1: 70$ + art + 褋hibi 馃敟 Ab2: 120$ front/back view/close-up of the face + art + chibi馃敟 馃挼Payment must be made within 48hrs after the auction ending: My visa card Boosty payment via card Hipolink payment via PayPal MONEY CANNOT BE TURNED BACK! deadline: from 10 to 20 days 猸怶rite to me if you have any questions! [email protected] 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍Thank you for your attention! Your opinion and reaction is important to me!鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍

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