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Read the description ☼ YCH Panties ☼

Hi! I wanna draw your OC with this outfit and pose . (References needed) You can pick the species (furry, pony ... etc) Girls/Futa only It is necessary that the OC you want have a body with similar shape to the example. PS: At the moment I don't draw scalies or mechas... sorry ;( SB: $10 MI: $1 AB: $65 Tiers: SB Is sketch At $25 or higher: Flat colors. At $45 or higher: Full color, cel shading. At $55 You can get an Alternative Cum version. At $65 AUTOBUY, you ALSO get a Nude version for your OC Extra +$10 if you want more then one alternative version( if you want something different just ask me :) ☼ Paypal and $USD only ☼ I will start working on the commission once the commission is paid. ☼ After the auction end I will contact with the winner by using this site, so make sure you'll be able to answer me. ☼ If you have any questions you can write to my twitter account or my discord at @kodamathesun Have a good day :)

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