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Your character here (Any species) COMMISSION SLOT By Vicemilk

9 USD - SKETCH HEADSHOT 12USD - HEADSHOT 22USD - BUST 32USD - HALF BODY 42USD - FULL BODY Prices in full colour! ORDERING: - You can send me a note o write a comment containing - Character ref (must be visual!) - Any extra detail (optional) EXTRA ADDS! +15 EXTRA OUTFIT ADITIONAL INFO! - 100% payment first. - Payment within 48 hours after the auction ends - Any species (human, furry, pony, etc) - Wip's of your commission will be sent by private message. - I accept Paypal - Any hairstyle - No refund - Extra details with a extra cost depends of the desing - I'll post the final result in social media, If you need a private commission, tell me pls (no extra cost) Thank you! I hope you like it~

Safe human

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