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This is just a rough sketch, look at examples of finished artworks at the gallery. The Gift

Info about character: - Any gender - Human or another - Emotion can be changed - You can choose any hairstyle and clothes - Futa is OK - In NSFW version you can choose ahegao, cum, wet, toys etc. -------------------------------------------- Black and White: 40$ - Sketch 100$ - Full detailed art 130$ - + Additional outfit OR NSFW version 160$ - + Additional outfit AND NSFW version Colored: 60$ - Sketch 140$ - Full detailed art 170$ - + Additional outfit OR NSFW version 200$ - + Additional outfit AND NSFW version -------------------------------------------- Payment: - Hipolink (works with the PayPal) - Prepayment of 100% - I begin after pay - I need the reference of your character If you have any questions, feel free to ask :)

Explicit human

Samples These are examples of finished art

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