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Today's design! I used an image from Pinterest as a reference! The gender is left to the buyer's choice~ ━━━━━🐰🌻🐰━━━━━━ SB: $20USD MI: $5USD AB: $95USD AB2: $165USD (icon + commercial use) 》AB2 can only be bid by the person who bid AB! ━━━━━🐰🌻🐰━━━━━━ 》The auction is active on different pages, please note that there may be more bids 》Commercial use can be exchanged for extra art (optional, to be agreed with the buyer). ━━━━━━🐰🌻🐰━━━━━━ RULES — Holds MAXIMUM one week. If you don't pay, I'll put you on my blacklist. — To ask for a hold, you will have to give a part of the payment in advance (non-refundable). — Paypal offers only — Please, just serious offers. Don't delete or edit your offers. — Please only bid if you have the money/can have it before the auction ends. — Remember to tag the person who bid before you! — You can modify the character's design. — Sold adopts are not returnable. — The payment must be made within 24hours. — You are allowed to resell/exchange. — Please credit me for art and design. Auction ends 24 hours after the first bid. ━━━━━━🐰🌻🐰━━━━━━ ART BY ME POST ON DEVIANTART: https://www.deviantart.com/ltessadraws/art/AUCTION-OPEN-ADOPTABLE-183-946438431 POST ON FACEBOOK: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02cxg18m4NbrwcXT9szwZP9uZU6rSeuqCXj4arcM6Ef4airSKunburZuugw3661anFl&id=100088298500698&mibextid=Nif5oz POST ON FURAFFINITY: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/50727811/#cid:170163685 POST ON TH: https://toyhou.se/19852585.adoptable-183/comments

Safe adopt

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